Get Ready for Summer!

summer relax 2Though summer will not officially start until June 20, Memorial Day Weekend signified the beginning of a summer lifestyle for many Americans.

If you are experiencing infertility, the seasons may not make much of a difference when all you care about is the season when you will be pregnant or how spending the lazy, hazy days of summer at the beach with a baby is not happening for you. But with the change in the time of year, there are several reasons to embrace the summer months as you plan your fertility treatment schedule or try to enhance your overall fertility.

A time to relax

If you have been on a roller coaster schedule with monitoring appointments and treatments, summer may be the ideal time to relax, especially if you have embryos frozen. Let your body and mind rest and ‘chill out,’ just like you did when you were a kid during summer vacation. Focus on having fun and enjoying your time off.

For some people, however, this could be the ideal time to start a cycle. Their work schedules are lighter, and they might have more time to devote to treatment, as well as feel rejuvenated by the season and excited to start this new phase.

An ideal time for teachers to start a cycle

While some of our patients may want to take a break during the summer because of vacations or other plans, this may be the best time of year for teachers to start in vitro fertilization or other treatments. Most teachers have at least two months of ‘downtime’ where they can plan their schedule more efficiently than during the school year.

Take advantage of fertility-enriching summertime culinary pleasures

Does summer remind you of ice cream treats and plentiful fresh vegetables and fruits? The good news is that many of these yummy foods can enhance fertility.

It’s the time of the year when you can indulge guilt-free (but not overindulge please) in ice cream. Studies have shown that high-fat dairy products can improve ovulatory infertility. Also, foods like green leafy vegetables and cold-water salmon are in abundance during the summer and have been found to improve ovulation and regulate reproductive hormones. So, bon appetit!

It can be easier to start an exercise program

When the weather is more predictably good, it can be easier to start and sustain an exercise program, especially if you or your partner is trying to lose weight as part of an overall goal to prepare for in vitro fertilization. Being overweight can be a factor in decreased success with IVF and increased risk of miscarriage.

We hope you enjoy the pleasures of these special months and create many happy memories. The staff of HRC Fertility is ready to make your infertility treatment as smooth as possible during the summertime or any other part of the year.
