Things You Can Do This Spring to Boost Your Fertility

Beautiful Young Woman Outdoor. Enjoy NatureSpring has sprung in many parts of the United States and around the world. This season of new life and new beginnings has a natural feeling of hope and possibility. For those couples that are trying to get pregnant, spring can also be a time of renewed resolve to discover how to get pregnant quickly.

As the flowers and leaves emerge, blossoming into the beautiful and welcome reprieve to a long and difficult winter, there are things you can do this spring to help boost your fertility. Consider taking the following steps to get your body in the best shape possible for bringing new life into the world.

Eat more green vegetables. Green is the color of the season, and for couples that are trying to conceive, green should be the color of their diet. Green, leafy vegetables are a great source of many of the nutrients your body needs to be at its peak fertility health. Aim to get at least two servings of any of the dark green leafy vegetables, including spinach, kale, chard or even seaweed.

Limit your exposure to BPA. BPA, otherwise known as bisphenol A, is a chemical that is used in many plastics and other household products. Some studies using rodents have shown that exposure to BPA can inhibit the reproductive system and cause other health disorders. Despite these studies, the FDA is not yet ready to support the restriction of its use in the United States. That means it is up to you to limit your exposure to BPA on your own. To do so, avoid plastic water bottles, particularly when they have been left in the car; don’t microwave your food in plastic containers; avoid canned goods (which have BPA in the liners); and don’t use nonstick pans, especially when they have some wear in the lining that can come off in the food.

Let the sun shine down on you. When there is a break in the April showers, be sure to get out in the sun and let it warm you for about 20 minutes a day. The exposure to sunlight has been determined to help your body absorb vitamin D and get this important nutrient into your system to help boost your fertility health. Vitamin D is known to help reduce complications in pregnancy as well. There are even some studies that say sufficient doses of Vitamin D can boost your IVF success rates as well.

Take it easy with the spring-cleaning cleaners. In the season of spring cleaning, look for greener cleaning agents to handle the task. Harmful chemicals found in household cleaners are known to be toxic to your system. For a person who is already struggling with infertility, these toxins are certainly not going to enhance your fertility. Lemon, vinegar and steamed water are all great ways to clean without actually breathing in or touching anything that might be harmful to your system.

Just in time for spring is National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW), April 20 to 26. 2014. With the theme “Resolve to Know More,” NIAW is designed to enlighten everyone about the issues and challenges faced by these people on a daily basis.

For couples that are trying to get pregnant, spring is an especially inspiring time to find out how to get pregnant quickly. By trying some of the tips above, you can give your body what it needs to help you get pregnant faster and help make your dreams of family a reality.


Odom, Bridgette R. “Boosting Your Fertility This Spring.” 02 Apr 2012: 1. Web. 3 Feb. 2014. .

“The Top 5 Reasons Vitamin D Makes Women Bulletproof.” Bulletproof Executive. Web. 3 Feb. 2014.

Henry, Trish. “BPA, phthalate exposure may cause fertility problems.” CNN. 15 Oct 2013: 1. Web. 3 Feb. 2014.

Rodriguez, Hethir. “Eat Your Greens Daily for Fertility and Health.” Natural Fertility Info. Web. 3 Feb. 2014.