Chicago Tribune Interviews Dr. Jane Frederick About Ovulation’s Role in Fertility

Dr. Jane Frederick was recently interviewed by the Chicago Tribune for an article discussing the myths and modern aids to determining ovulation. Dr. Frederick discusses how a woman’s egg supply decreases with age and the best methods for monitoring ovulation. She also talks about the initial tests she conducts on her infertility patients. Click to read the entire article:  

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Fertility Authority Interviews Dr. Daniel Potter at PCRS

Gender selection is becoming more widely accepted and can help couples that may be interested in choosing the gender of a baby before they become pregnant. HRC’s Dr. Potter explains the different reasons a family may opt to choose the sex of their baby:   

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Drs. Jane Frederick and Daniel Potter Talk Gender Selection with Fertility Authority at PCRS

Gender selection is becoming more widely accepted and can help couples that may be interested in choosing the gender of a baby before they become pregnant. There are many different reasons a family may opt to choose the sex of their baby, including medical and social reasons. Watch as Drs. Potter and Frederick explain gender selection and family balancing.  

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True Infertility Success Stories: Coping with our “Journey”

Michael and Angelique Cave were diagnosed with unexplained infertility, a common diagnosis for the millions of couples who suffer from infertility. So began the journey that would take them on a series of emotional ups and downs for the next seven and a half years. “I found a lot of people don’t like the word ‘journey.’ It [the journey] can sometimes only be a year. But it could be the most difficult year of a man or woman’s life,” Michael explained. The Caves started their treatment at another clinic and Michael describes his orientation to the world of infertility. “I...

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The Key to Re-Igniting the Spark During Infertility Treatment

You have the green light. Ovulation is imminent. All signs, basal body temperature chart, cervical mucus consistency and the ovulation stick confirm it, too. The time is right for conception. But you’ve been in infertility treatment for a while, so your desire (the spark) isn’t exactly burning as bright as it once did. It’s common for couples that have been in fertility treatment for a while to admit that sex doesn’t have the same spark it did before treatment. When you just had sex because you wanted to, it was a lot more fun. No one was wondering if they...

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Can Acupuncture Help You Get Pregnant?

Many of my patients have tried acupuncture as part of their fertility treatment. Some of them ask if it will help them get pregnant. I always tell them there is no scientific evidence that convinces me it can. However, I also don’t think it can hurt. Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine treatment that proponents say helps the flow of energy in a woman’s body to facilitate a more fertile and healthy reproductive system. Inserting needles at various points in the woman’s body, called the pathways, the acupuncturist is directing the flow of qi (pronounced like “chi”). The needles don’t...

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Baby feet

True Infertility Success Stories: Why I Chose a Surrogate This Time

D and A had two children, but they wanted three. Unfortunately, A’s uterus prevented them from attempting natural conception for their third child. Diagnosed with a heart-shaped uterus, A’s second pregnancy was traumatic, culminating in a delivery at 30 weeks and a five-week stay for their second child at NICU. For their third child, they chose to use a surrogate. A gestational surrogate is a woman who is willing to carry a child for another couple. To use a gestational surrogate, couples synchronize the biological mother’s cycle with the surrogate’s monthly cycle. Then the eggs can be retrieved from the...

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