What happens to my frozen eggs if I don't use them?

HRC Fertility’s Dr. David Tourgeman Recently Answered the Question “What Happens To My Frozen Eggs If I Don’t Use Them?”

This may not be a decision you have to make in the near future, but it is always a good idea to understand your options if you decide not to use your frozen eggs or if you have more than you end up needing. From donating to other individuals or to helping train embryologists, there are many ways that your eggs could help others if you don’t use them.

You spent a lot of money, time, and energy freezing your eggs, so it’s understandable that you want to ensure they are put towards some good, whether it be advancing science or helping another family grow. Ultimately, this is a personal decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly, and it is always recommended that you talk through your options more with your fertility team.

Dr. David Tourgeman helps you understand what options exist for what to do with your frozen eggs if you decide not to use them for IVF.  The complete article is seen here on the Freeze Health website.