HRC Fertility "Dream Plus" Embryo Banking Package

Infertility Education

Infertility is defined as the inability to become pregnant after one year of unprotected intercourse in women under 35. Women aged 35 and older should seek care from a fertility specialist after six months of regular intercourse without conception. To schedule a consultation with one of our Reproductive Specialists, call us at 866-HRC-4IVF or click the button below:


… of couples are affected by infertility at some time during their reproductive lives. This means that one couple out of every ten will experience infertility, making it a relatively common condition.

Frequently, a couple’s problems are related to the combination of several factors, such as:the production of healthy sperm by the male and healthy eggs by the female; and patent fallopian tubes for the sperm to reach and fertilize the egg and to allow for the embryo to travel to the uterus and attach. Several rather mild defects can combine to make reproduction inefficient or prevent it all together.


… of couples will eventually require IVF according to studies. Most become pregnant using a variety of procedures such as IUI.

In many situations in which a couple is experiencing infertility, HRC fertility doctors can treat the problem with first-line fertility treatments such as ovulation induction or intrauterine insemination (IUI).IVF is often the treatment of choice for couples in who are experiencing male factor infertility, particularly with intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), a procedure in which one sperm is injected directly into the egg.


…  all couples have a male infertility component. This makes thorough testing of the male a necessity before beginning any female treatments.

Semen analysis is the first step in evaluating the male factor for couples undergoing an infertility evaluation. It is important to evaluate the male so the female does not go through more invasive testing & unnecessary treatments. Men with an abnormal semen analysis should consult with a reproductive endocrinologist. Most men with an abnormal semen analysis can father children with appropriate treatment