Non-Surgical Sperm Retrieval

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Non-Surgical Sperm Retrieval

If little or no sperm are found in a man’s ejaculate, sperm retrieval procedures are necessary. A blockage of the ejaculatory system (obstructive azoospermia) or failure of sperm production in the testicle (non-obstructive azoospermia) will necessitate sperm retrieval.

Obstructive azoospermia is often caused by a prior vasectomy. However, a history of prior infection, hernia repair with mesh or other surgery on the testicles can also create problems.

Non-obstructive azoospermia may occur because of prior testicle infections, genetic conditions or hormone abnormalities, all  issues can interrupt the production of normal sperm within the testicle. Fortunately, normal sperm production can occur even with these conditions.

Types of Non-Surgical Sperm Retrieval

  • Microscopic Epididymal Sperm Extraction (MESA)
  • Testicular Sperm Extraction (TESE)