Dr. Molly Quinn was recently quoted in an article for Expectful written by Erin Russell titled “The Definitive Guide to IUI.”
According to the Expectful article, IUI is a method of getting sperm into the uterus during ovulation, usually with some medication to make it more effective. People will opt for IUI for a variety of reasons: single parents or same-sex couples using donor sperm, women who don’t ovulate (they will be given medication to induce ovulation during IUI), men with low sperm motility, and anyone with unexplained fertility (which is up to a third of all people who struggle with infertility).
When considering different treatment options such as IUI, it is important to consider factors such as costs and success rates. “Success rates are modest,” says Dr. Molly Quinn, reproductive endocrinologist at HRC Fertility in Pasadena, California. “Depending on the underlying diagnosis and age of the female undergoing treatment, success rates can be anywhere between 5-20% per month.” Dr. Quinn advises patients who start with IUI to prepare themselves to do more than one cycle and to have a planned stopping point to re evaluate if this is the right path for them.
To learn more about the IUI procedure and to read the article in its entirety, please follow this link.